Just some quick updates on what I'm doing.
As some already know, more chapters of my ongoing epic have been posted at this website and elsewhere on the net. Also, some more mech designs to fill in the holes have been uploaded to the armory. Battletech fans might like them. But beware! Spoilers aplenty for my stories!
Last December, went with my university choir for a choral competition. Did pretty well, and only truly lost out to two other groups. Bagged Best Interpretation and our conductor the Most Promising Conductor awards. Especially gratifying was the fact that we had only half the time as the other choirs to prepare; the university's academic year started in August, not January like the junior colleges. And our conductor, despite being a student still at the university, was the second youngest fellow amongst all the old timers, and he beat most of them. Heh.
Then, it was my last semester at the National University of Singapore. Where egos are crushed, stupidity revealed, grades are deflated, points given grudgingly, and tests/quizzes designed such that you're only supposed to get half the full score no matter how smart you are!
Only in Singapore!
Taking 5 modules to fulfill the requirements for an Honours Degree in Chemistry. Statistical Thermodynamics, Trace Analysis, Current Topics in Analytical Chemistry, Physical Properties of Macromolecules, and Structural Methods in Inorganic Chemistry. I've already finished the courses I need for my English Language degree; I'll be teaching Chemistry and English when I graduate.
Despite what others think, I'm actually quite free nowadays. Chemistry at the lower levels had two 2 hour lectures per week, as well as a 1 hour tutorial session for each module. It was quite a serious log jam on my timetable. Now, modules only have a single lecture, and a single tutorial. WOOT!!!
So, with all that free time, I've finally started painting up my miniatures, and submitted an application to FanPro to be a CBT Commando for Singapore. I'm also working on the rules for the local mercenary campaign, which is to be restarted. Got plenty of EVIL ideas for that one. I'm looking forward to blowing stuff up and introducing this game to more people.
Also, I've rejoined Nationstates, and I'm trying hard to stay in character as a Word of Blake fanatic. Tell me if I'm succeeding!
Well, I hope to update this more frequently now. Stay tuned!
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