Intellectual Dishonesty
With the current humanitarian crisis in Burma, exacerbated by the corruption and inefficiency of their military junta government, there's been an outbreak of proposals to 'liberate' the Burmese people. And guess what? All these are written by the same leftoid fools who opposed the US invasion of Iraq, for just about the same(or better) reasons.
The intellectual vapidness of these idiots is astounding. As the people on the Belmont Club have commented, all it takes is for the US to take action, and suddenly these fools advocating the overthrow of the Burmese government will start protesting against the heavy-handedness of the US military, the bombed out remains of shattered Burmese combat vehicles. They are stupid, but more than that, they are dishonest.
Now in all probability if the "good old U.S. military" actually does invade Burma it will incinerate every vestige of armed opposition in its path. Burmese Army units will stand about as much chance as ants before a kid's homemade flamethrower. And then all of a sudden the assumptions will collapse in reverse order. People are going to say, 'we didn't realize invasions meant killing people'; 'we didn't realize we wouldn't have allies'; and finally 'we did not think it would be so expensive'. And then we will hear that classic line: "I was for it before I was against it."I had always supported the US invasion of Iraq, on the simple grounds that no Saddam is better than Saddam, and the 'peace' of Saddam's Iraq is akin to the peace of the grave, enforced by thugs. For the same reasons, I would support any invasion of Burma, even by China, which would be a damn sight better than the military junta in power now. However, the only world power with the actual capability to do so, the US, has citizens tired and weary of cleaning up the world's messes. They won't lift a finger.
I've commented on Burma last year, and I noted then that freedom bought cheaply with the lives of others is just as easily sold cheaply for a pack of lies. I don't expect anything to change. The best option is to stay out, but if anyone asks, I don't mind donating a few hundred bucks for a fund to raise some mercnaries(ala Rambo) or to purchase weapons to smuggle into Burma for the resistance in the country.