Sunday, December 31, 2006

New Year Resolutions

Well, it's the start of a new revolution around our Sun, an ordinary G3 star with nothing much to recommend it except that it's also the primary of the solar system we live in, which makes it pretty special to us.

So here're my resolutions for this new orbit:

1. Get a girlfriend. Really start looking. A friend suggested going to discos and asking out pretty girls. Maybe when I have enough guts...

2. Paint at least 4 more miniatures.

3. Organise and hold 2 more official Classic Battletech events within the year.

4. Start pushing for the formation of the NUS Choir alumni, or failing that, joining the Vocal Consort. Gotta start prioritizing my Sundays though.

5. Work on my crosses with my left foot when playing on the left wing, so that I can at least hit them decently 50% of the time with a dribble from a dead stop.

6. Run 2.4 km under 10 min.

7. Run a half-marathon under 2 hours.

8. Run a full marathon.

9. Get an IPPT Gold.

10. Post on my blog more often.

The Wobbly Guy

Friday, December 15, 2006

Some things about myself

Hmmm... I've been trying to know myself better in the past few weeks. Maybe it's easier to put it down in writing.

Personal stats:
DOB: 20/06/1979
Age: 27
Zodiac Signs: Gemini(western), Goat(Chinese)
Height: 170cm
Weight: 63-66 kg(changes daily!!!)

Hobby Info
Preferred soccer position: Fullback/Wingback(my crosses from the left still suck tho)
Longest Match ever played: 2 hours on full pitch(came down with cramps at the end... urgh)
Longest time spent running: 2 hrs 22 min(for the 2006 Standard Chartered Singapore Marathon, ran only the half)
Furthest distance ran: 21 klicks(for the Half-Marathon lah)

Choir singing voice: Bass 1/Tenor 2(Baritone)
Most memorable performance: Sydney Opera House, with NJC choir
Greatest triumph: Yet to come... but it WILL come!
Most ignoble mistake: Somehow losing the rhythm for Mundi Renovatio along with the entire NUS choir bass section during the finals for the 2004 Voyage of Songs competition. Oops.
Fav song: Magnificat by John Rutter

Miniature wargaming: Classic Battletech!
Preferred CBT Battlemech: Crab/Raijin/Beowulf(notice a trend?)
CBT Faction: Word of Blake(those toaster-worshipping guys in white robes pissing everybody off, it's good to be bad)
Most memorable gaming moment: Battle of Monte Diablo(since after that, I had to be a referee for all official CBT games and battles in Singapore... sigh...)

Put a new link up, to the Elephant Bar. Kinda like a more politically incorrect version of the Belmont Club. Some rather bloodthirsty folks there too. But no shirking of issues. Nope, even inconvenient truths are faced head on, no mercy. Reminds me of one of wretchard's most memorable sayings: The truth shall set you free, but first it will make you miserable.

Caroling with the NUS choir alumni at the Grand Copthorne was great! No flubbing of lines despite having only two practices, singing in quartet formation, blending with each other remarkably well(according to the audience) despite many of us not having sung for 2 years, and generally great fun!

Hmmm... if the SAJC Chorale is going to Pattaya in July, I'll probably take the opportunity to join the Vocal Consort. So I'll be there as both teacher-in-charge and singing competitor! Wahhh... dream on lah...


Tuesday, December 12, 2006


I think the Samizdata entry here summed up my feelings quite well. The only difference is that I have even less tolerance for leftists than Paul Marks, but I would stop short of killing them. No, like Lee Kuan Yew, I would have just imprisoned them... for life.

Interesting, isn't it, that the two countries(Chile, Singapore) which subjugated and destroyed their commie elements are the most prosperous in their respective regions. It sure as heck wasn't coincidence.


Monday, December 04, 2006

Singapore Marathon

Wahhh, finally finished the half-marathon. My timing was as I expected: 2 hrs 24 min, My target was to get below 2 hrs 30 min, and I did it! The route was packed with runners. If I want to do better, I must continue working on my intervals. So far, I can sustain 4 minutes of jogging followed by 1 minute of walking rest. I have to get my pace up to 8/9 minutes of jogging with 1 minute of rest to get my half-marathon time below 2 hrs. Doable, but tough. I plan to achieve this target by the Army Half-Marathon next year.

I also have a few more targets for the next few years. 1: Run 2.4 km under 10 min to get my IPPT gold. 2: Train for next year's school cross-country staff race. 3: Train for next year's marathon, and run the full distance of 42 km.

That's for the physical aspect of my life. Sooner or later, I'll also be trying to train my cycling skills so I can go on a biking tour of France, and climb the L'Alpe De Huez. Hopefully before I'm 30.

On the music side, I just received word from the NUS people that they're inviting alumni back for christmas carolling. I thought it was a prank, until Huaizhi told me today before the 'Three' concert that it's going to be the forerunner of the actual setup for the alumni choir. At long last. So of course, I signed up once I got home.

Speaking of the 'Three' concert tonight at the Esplanade, it was great. Although the message was the usual politically correct mishmash of thinly veiled socialism and weeby pacificism to commemorate International Day of Choral Singing, the music was truly enjoyable. Mr Ko Matsushita's antics on stage when conducting was a treat to watch! And Mr Velasco's conducting was, as usual, impeccable. I sang under him once before for the 2005 Jubilate, and I was impressed with the way he was able to pick out the key phrases of each song for maximum effect.

Finally, the social aspect of my life, other than my CBT gaming, is still as barren as ever. Sigh.

Oh well, at least my work is going well. 3 students qualified for the 2nd round of the local Chemistry Olympiad! I had expected none. The next thing is to expect a silver award. Next year should be even better after I've drawn up a comprehensive scheme of work for Olympiad training. I will definitely need it because I'll also be handling H3 chemistry. Workload + SYF is going to kill me...

The Wobbly Guy